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Course and Certification

Course on 'Engineering Maths and Their Physics & Applications'

Part 01

I completted the Engineering Maths and Their Physics & Applications course was taught by Dr. Mahdy Rahman Chowdhury.

I achieved this Recommentdation Letter after properly sumbitting assignment of the 1st half part (1st 6 classes among 12 classes) of the full course: Fourier Series & its transform,Laplace Transform (Physics and real-world applications), Vector calculus (Physics and real-world applications). Each of the classes was minimum 3.5 to 4 hours long.

đź”—Recommendation Letter for Part-01

đź”—My submitted Assignment

Part 02

I also completted the Engineering Maths and Their Physics & Applications course was taught by Dr. Mahdy Rahman Chowdhury.

I achieved this Recommentdation Letter after properly sumbitting my well-written assignment that has covered the theory part of the 2nd half (last 6 classes among 12 classes) of the course: Linear Algebra, and Matrix (Physics and real-world applications), ODE and PDE (Physics and real-world applications), part. Each of the classes was minimum 3.5 to 4 hours long.

đź”—Recommendation Letter for Part-02

đź”—My submitted Assignment

Matlab Workshop

I participated in a 2 Days Matlab Wrokshop origanized by IEEE CUET STUDENT BRANCH.

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